Why my MT5 Accounts is Disabled/Archived?

1 min. readlast update: 08.04.2024

DESCRIPTION: below is the guidance to create a new MT5 account in case you are not able to log in to your MT5 account

POSSIBLE REASON: You might have an issue to log in to your account due to it has been archived after 60 days of inactivity.


  1. If your MT5 account is archived due to inactivity for 60 days, please proceed to create a new MT5 account instead
  2. Log in to your Deriv Account and go to the Trader's Hub: https://app.deriv.com/appstore/traders-hub
  3. Select the tab "Real" or "Demo"
  4. Scroll down to the "CFDs section"
  5. Select an account between Derived (to trade on synthetics indices), Financial (to trade on forex, stocks, crypto), Swap Free (to trade on synthetics & financial markets)
  6. Click on "GET" to add the MT5 account
  7. Kindly ensure to login using the same MT5 password you're been using all the while

For further check refer to https://community.deriv.com/t/mt5-and-deriv-x-account-inactivity/58200

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