What is the Reality Check pop-up box appearing on my account?

1 min. readlast update: 11.30.2023

DESCRIPTION: The reality check is a pop-up box that appears on your account upon logging in, providing you with a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis.


  1. The time interval for this can be set between 10 and 60 minutes. 
  2. If you choose 15 minutes, the Reality Check pop-up box will appear every 15 minutes, showing your activity from the time you logged in.
  3. The Reality check pop-up box also appears when contracts are purchased. Upon purchasing a contract, the next interval reality check pop-up will provide you with a summary of the following:
  • Turnover
  • Profit/Loss
  • Number of contracts bought 
  • Number of contracts sold
  • Open contracts 


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