What are Derived Indices?

1 min. readlast update: 12.07.2023

DESCRIPTION: Exclusive on Deriv, Derived Indices are our very own set of synthetic markets engineered to stimulate real-world market movements, unaffected by the sways of factual events and other outside disruptions. Manage your exposure by selecting the volatility level to suit your risk appetite. Choose from our 24/7 synthetics, derived FX, and baskets.


1) Synthetics: Deriv’s proprietary synthetics simulate real-world market movements. Backed by a cryptographically secure random number generator, these indices are available to trade 24/7 and are unaffected by regular market hours, global events, or market and liquidity risks.

2) Baskets: Trade your favorite currency against a basket of major currencies and benefit from reduced risk and volatility.

3) Derived FX: Gives you the opportunity to trade on simulated assets based on major forex pairs at the volatility of your choice. Our advanced algorithms track real-world currency prices and dampen the fluctuations caused by market sentiment and unexpected news events. 

Refer here for more information:

Deriv website: https://deriv.com/markets/synthetic/#synthetic

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