Steps to post a Buy/Sell Ad on Deriv P2P (Browser Version)

2 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023

DESCRIPTION: You can post your AD(s) to your P2P platform using the Web/browser version 

POSSIBLE REASON: It is possible to post your Ads using the P2P web version if it is what you prefer to use and will still be visible in the P2P App version

 RESOLUTION STEPS: Using the steps below you can post a Buy/Sell ad via the website version:

  1. Log in to your Deriv account and go to your My ads section in your Deriv P2P cashier here:
  2. Click on "Create new ad"
  3. Select the "Buy USD" if you wish to deposit into your Deriv account or select the "Sell USD" if you wish to withdraw
  4. Enter the details for your advertisement
  5. Total amount of your buy or sell
  6. The Fixed exchange USD rate for your order (Floating rates are applied for some regions only)
  7. The minimum amount a buyer can spend to buy the order/seller can sell for the order. (Should be less than the total amount)
  8. The maximum amount a buyer can place on the order/seller can sell for the order. (Cannot exceed the total amount)
  9. Optionally fill in the instructions for the counterparty to read on where or how to make the payment.
  10. Choose your Payment Method by clicking on the “+ Add” button (Up to 3 methods)
  11. Click on "Post Ad" (Post Ad button will only be visible when at least 1 payment method is selected)
Your Ad is now live! Keep an eye on if another P2P user selected your ad and complete the order accordingly. 


  1. If you're a buyer, please ensure that you've actually paid to the seller before asking the seller to release the funds. 
  2. If you're a seller, please ensure that you've indeed received the payment before releasing the funds to buyer.

For further check refer to link here.

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