DESCRIPTION: You can post a Buy/Sell Ad on your P2P platform through the Mobile App
POSSIBLE REASON: You can post the Ads using the P2P mobile App if it is what you prefer to use and can still be visible in the P2P web version
RESOLUTION STEPS: Here is how to post a Buy/Sell ad via the app version:
- Click on the "Ads" icon on your Deriv P2P App
- At the bottom right of the page, Hit “+” to create a new ad
- Select the "Buy USD" if you wish to deposit or select the "Sell USD" if you wish to withdraw
- Key in the details requested on the page for the advertisement
- The Fixed exchange USD rate for your order (Floating rates are applied for some regions only)
- The minimum amount a buyer can spend to buy the order/seller can sell for the order. (Should be less than the total amount)
- The maximum amount a buyer can place on the order/seller can sell for the order. (Cannot exceed the total amount)
- Optionally fill in the instructions for the counterparty to read on where or how to make the payment.
- Create your desired payment method (If no payment method was created before)
- Choose your preferred payment method (Up to 3 methods)
- Click on "Post Ad" (Post Ad button will only be visible when at least 1 payment method is selected)
- Your Ad is now Live
For further check refer to link