Priority Crypto Withdrawal

1 min. readlast update: 07.22.2024

DESCRIPTION: The "Priority withdrawal" option can speed up the withdrawal process by prioritizing your payout request. This means your payout will be among the first prioritized for review by our team and processed by the system. Please note that all withdrawals undergo internal checks, and it may take up to 24 hours for our team to review the withdrawal request. In general, this feature allows you to pay a withdrawal transaction fee for faster processing compared to a standard withdrawal request.

The feature is available for BTC, ETH, LTC, eUSDT and USDC Deriv accounts.


1) Navigate to the crypto withdrawal page where you will find an option labeled "Priority Withdrawal"

2) Select the checkbox to enable priority withdrawal. An estimated fee will be displayed, which will be deducted from the withdrawal amount

3) If you accept the fee, proceed by clicking "Withdraw" to submit your withdrawal request.

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