MT5 Account Currency for EU clients

1 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023

DESCRIPTION: below you can find a step-by-step guidance in case you wished to change your MT5 account currency to be the same as your Deriv account fiat currency

POSSIBLE REASON: You might be wondering on how to have the same currency for your new MT5 account if you are an EU client. The MT5 currency of EU clients follows their MF accounts currency. For instance, if Deriv account currency is in GBP/EUR/USD, MT5 account currency will also follow GBP/EUR/USD respectively.


  1. If you change currency from GBP to USD for your Deriv account, your existing MT5 account will still remain as GBP currency. 
  2. Hence, you will need to wait for the existing MT5 account goes disabled and archived after 30 days of inactivity.
  3. Once it happened, you can proceed to create a new MT5 account and that new MT5 account will follow your Deriv account currency. In this case, for instance, you have changed your main Deriv account to USD, the new MT5 will also be in USD currency now.

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