DESCRIPTION: Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security designed to ensure that you're the only person who can access your account, even if someone knows your password.
RESOLUTION STEPS: You will need your mobile phone to remove this feature. Refer to the below steps on how to remove the 2FA:
- Please visit the Two-factor authentication page on your Deriv account:
- From your mobile, open the 2FA application (Authy or Google Authenticator) and get the 6-digits code.
- Once you enter the 6-digits code, click on the “Disable 2FA” button
- The page will automatically go to the Login Page for you to re-login without the 2FA application.
- Once logged in, you have successfully removed the 2FA.
For further check refer to
Important Note: We strongly recommend that this feature be enabled on your accounts at all times. Therefore, do ensure that this feature is reactivated whenever possible.