How to log in to Deriv X account via browser (web terminal)?

2 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023

DESCRIPTION: below you can find a step-by-step guidance in case you are unable to log in to your Deriv X account by using your internet browser (web terminal) 

POSSIBLE REASON: You might be facing unsuccessful login to your Deriv X account due to incorrect login credentials, internet connection or there might be an issue with your browser. 


  1. Log in to your Deriv account showing the Trader's Hub here
  2. Refer to CFDs section showing "Other CFD Platforms" sub-section
  3. Click on red colour "Open" button and then "deriv X Web terminal"
  4. Once you’ve launched the web terminal, you will be prompted a new window showing your Deriv X web terminal
  5. Please insert your Deriv X login credentials (Deriv X username & password)
  6. Once you've input the correct login information, you will successfully login to your Deriv X account now.
  7. If you receive an error message "Incorrect username or password", please double check your login credentials are correct. If you're unsure if you're login using the correct Deriv X password, you can always update your Deriv X password here (Click on "Change password" under Deriv X Password section)
  8. You will receive a verification email to reset your password
  9. Once the verification link has been clicked, a new window will be opened for you to enter your new password
  10. You can proceed to log in using your new Deriv X password

For further check refer to

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