How to change my Deriv account email?

2 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023

DESCRIPTION: You may change your email address registered with us if you still have access to your current email address.

RESOLUTION STEPS: Kindly follow the below steps to proceed with the email change process:

  1. Please log in to your account and go to the “Manage account settings”.
  2. On the left side pane, under the “Security & Safety” category, choose the “Email and passwords” or you may click here: Deriv App | Deriv 
  3. Once you click “Change email”, a verification link is sent to your current email address.
  4. Upon verifying the link in the email, the system will direct you to a pop-up for you to insert the new email address. 
  5. If the new email address already exists on our platform, a notification will appear as This email is already in use. Please use a different email. However, should you wish to use the same email address used, kindly contact our Customer Support agent via LiveChat/Whatsapp for us to further assist you.
  6. If the email address can be used, another verification link will be sent to the new email address for authentication.
  7. Upon verifying the link, the system proceeds to change the email address accordingly.
  8. Once successful, you may login to your account using the new email address.
Disclaimer: It is important to note that in the event that you are unable to access your registered email address, the process of changing your email would not be feasible. We kindly request that you reach out to your service provider to acquire the necessary access.

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