How does MT5 Swap Fees Works?

2 min. readlast update: 11.05.2024

DESCRIPTION: below you can find a step-by-step guidance showing how does the MT5 swap fees calculation works. 

POSSIBLE REASON: You might be curious why sometimes the swap fees had been imposed for the trades you executed in MT5. For your information, any position kept overnight (21:59 GMT), an adjustment fee will be charged. Swap rates differ based on the specific instrument being traded. In addition, swap charge also depends on the time and number of days the position is being held open. The longer the durations and positions held, the higher the swap fees being imposed to your trade.


  1. You may utilise our Swap calculator here to calculate the swap fees
  2. Else, you may refer to the formula: Swap Charge/fees = volume × contract size × asset price × (swap rate ÷ 100) ÷ 360
  3. You can obtain the swap rate from the Specification feature in your MT5 account (Swap long & Swap short)
  4. Once the swap charge is calculated based on the formula above, you might experience 3x swap charge because you kept the trade open on a specific day of the week.
  5. In order to identify which specific day is that, please use either MT5 mobile/PC app.
  6. If you're using your mobile app, Go to Quotes >> Click on the specific asset >> Properties >> Swap rates
  7. If you're using PC app, Go to Market Watch >> Right click on the specific asset >> Specification >> Swap rates
  8. You should be able to see the swap rates are different on different day of the week


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