How can I calculate PIP?

1 min. readlast update: 07.25.2024

DESCRIPTION: below you can find a step-by-step guidance in case you would like to know how to calculate on PIP.

POSSIBLE REASON: Our pip calculator helps you to estimate the pip value in your trades so that you can better manage your risk. 



  1. You may use the formula below to calculate the the pip value from your end manually for a CFD contract: Pip value = point value × volume × contract size
  2. The point value is derived from the current digits of the assets. For example, there are 2 digits behind the decimal points for Volatility 75 Index. Therefore, so the point value for this particular is 0.01
  3. The volume would be the lot size of the trade that you place
  4. For synthetic indices, the pip value is calculated in USD
  5. For forex, the pip value is in the quote currency for forex pairs

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