Get started with Deriv GO

1 min. readlast update: 09.04.2024

DESCRIPTION: Deriv Go is our trading platform for on-the-go traders. Download the Deriv Go application on your mobile to trade with Multipliers and Accumulators trade types, providing you with the flexibility to trade anytime and anywhere from your mobile.

RESOLUTION STEPS: These are the steps of using our Deriv Go application: 

  1. Create your Deriv account, here: Sign up
  2. Download the DerivGo app on Playstore/Apple store/Huawei Appstore
  3. Deposit on your Deriv account, to start trading here: Cashier deposit
  4. You're all set to begin trading with Deriv Go!

NOTES: Deriv Go only available for clients/countries that offer Multipliers and Accumulators.


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