Connection Speed: Pings of MT5

1 min. readlast update: 12.07.2023

DESCRIPTION: On MT5, the “Ping” column, shows the latency of the trading server, the speed unit is “ms” which is a millisecond and a millisecond is a thousandth of a second. Basically, the lower the ping amount, the faster the connection is.

POSSIBLE REASON: Ping is related to the speed of connection for each server - a server closer to your location should present a higher speed of connection than others


  1. If the ping is showing “n/a” that means there is no connection to the trading server. 
  2. Please check if you are correctly logged into the account 
  3. If you are logged into the account, check if there’s no firewall or antivirus blocking the network for the MT5 app.

For further check refer to:

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