Cancel a Withdrawal

1 min. readlast update: 03.15.2024

DESCRIPTION: Withdrawals can be canceled only if the status is Requested. In other cases, the payment is considered to be processing and can't be canceled anymore.  

POSSIBLE REASON: If the status of the withdrawal request is Requested, you can cancel the withdrawal request from your end, and we can guide you on how to do that.


Guide to canceling withdrawal requests via the webpage:

  1. Click on the cashier withdrawal and request for withdrawal verification link email.
  2. Once the link has been clicked, the Pending Payout section will be visible for cancellation.
  3. As long as the status is Requested, the cancellation can be initiated.

If you have another status or can't cancel the withdrawal request yourself, please do not hesitate to contact us on Live Chat.

For further check refer to:

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