Bot Diagnose Steps

1 min. readlast update: 12.11.2023

DESCRIPTION: Please refer to the guidelines below if you encounter an issue with your Bot.


  • Bot Cannot Load
  1. Was the Bot downloaded from someone else (a developer)? 
  2. If Yes: The Bot might not be compatible with your account. Contact the developer for further assistance.
  3. If No (the Bot was built by yourself): Download and save the XML file, then contact us at Live Chat, and provide us the file for further investigation.
  • Issue related to Trades
  1. Contact us at Live chat for assistance
  2. Elaborate on the expected Bot functional behavior, and provide a clear explanation of the issue faced

How to obtain the XML file

  1. Click "save" on top of your workspace.
  2. Rename your BOT as you prefer and click "Continue".
  3. Your XML files will automatically be saved on your desktop or Google Drive.


  • The Bot can only run if you are signed in and remain on the Deriv Bot site. If you navigate to a different page or sign out, the Bot will stop immediately.


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