API Tokens: managing access on third-party applications and mobile apps.

2 min. readlast update: 12.07.2023

DESCRIPTION: You can use your API token to access your mobile apps and other third-party apps. As well as copy trading. As a web developer, you can use our Deriv API to create websites that are similar to the ones we own. You may also create desktop and mobile applications that carry out transactions and other activities for both users and yourself.

RESOLUTION STEPS: In the API token section in your settings, you can use this feature to provide access to a third-party application to have access to your account. Bear in mind that there are a few scopes that you may enable according to your preferences.

  1. Read - View account activity such as settings, limits, balance sheets, trade purchase history, and more.
  2. Trade - Buy and sell contracts, renew expired purchases, and top-up demo accounts.
  3. Payments - Withdraw to payment agents, and transfer funds between accounts.
  4. Admin - Open accounts, manage settings, manage token usage, and more.
  5. Trading information - View the trading history.

We would recommend enabling the scopes based on the access that you are comfortable sharing only. You can create this token and provide it to a third-party developer to have access to the third-party application. 

  • How do I allow apps to connect to my account? 

You can provide the API token to the web developer that uses Deriv API on their application, the access to your account is depending on the level.

  • Where can I keep track of the authorized applications that are connected to my account?

Once you’ve connected your account to an application. You may find it in the Connected apps in your settings and you may see the permissions of the applications and the level of access that the application has to your account.

NOTES: If you ever want to revoke access to the API tokens, you may click on the Revoke access button available on the connected apps.


Deriv community articles: https://community.deriv.com/t/api-managing-access-on-third-party-applications-and-mobile-apps/29159
Deriv website: https://api.deriv.com/docs/intro
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